Orbital Surgery, 2nd ed. - A Conceptual Approach

Orbital Surgery, 2nd ed. - A Conceptual Approach

販売価格: 42,482(税込)



800枚以上の写真や手書きの図版とともに概念モデルを用いて,眼窩およびその周辺部位の病変に対する適切なアプローチを決定する際に検討すべき要素を明解に解説する.オンラインサイトでは本編全文と画像集を提供し,図版はBruce Stewartが手がけている.



Table of Contents
SECTION 1: Principles of Analysis, Plannning, and Surgical Management

1. Introduction to the Analysis of Orbital Disorders
2. Disease-specific Indications for Orbital Surgery
3. Preoperative Planning
4. Operative Considerations
5. Lesion-specific Management
SECTION 2: Atlas of Orbital Anatomy
6. Orbital Anatomy
SECTION 3: Atlas of Orbital Surgery
7. Atlas of Orbital Surgery
SECTION 4: Other Orbital Procedures
8. Combined Orbital and Periorbital Procedures
9. The Endoscope in Orbital Surgery
10. Surgery for Thyroid Orbitopathy
11. Exenteration
12. Enucleation, Evisceration, and Socket Reconstruction
13. Orbital Trauma
14. Vascular Lesions of the Orbit: Classification and Management